“Strong is not just a physical state, it’s a mindset.”

New Millennium Fitness Online Shop!
"Small daily improvements are the key to long-term success."
All memberships are month to month allowing you to cancel with a 15 day notice prior to your due date. Once you cancel and then wish to sign up again, you will be required to pay the enrollment fee again. NO refunds, reimbursements or proration
There are limited or no open lanes during-
Water Classes- Mon- Wed from 9-10am and 6:30-7:25pm; Tues & Thurs from 12-1pm (NO LANES)
Swim team - Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs from 4-5:15 pm (Sept-May) (NO LANES)
Evening learn to swim classes - Tues & Thurs 5:30-7:45 pm (all lanes open during December)
Learn to Swim Classes
Please note that active Learn to Swim children receive priority for the next month sign-ups. Space is limited and we give priority to the children that are currently in the program for the following months classes.

Overcome your obstacles
Identify your starting point
What are your health and fitness goals? It’s not as hard as you think.
Bring your best you to life
Remember? You are more to all when you take care of yourself.
Believe in yourself
Build your self confidence. Know that putting effort and time into your health and fitness benefits all of the people around you.
Scientifically Proven
Working out improves sleep quality, improves mood, sharpens your mind and so much more.